Healthcare interoperability is not just about sharing information; it involves the accurate management of data and complex context(s) across different systems. It is essential to ensure that healthcare organizations share health records from multiple sources, so that clinical research teams can access patient and physician data and manage care. However, achieving this requires a careful assessment of the practice’s current state of interoperability. As a result, it is important to start planning now for the future of personalized and commercial healthcare solutions. Read on to see how what the future of interoperability looks like and how VOLA is leading the way on the implementation and facilitation of interoperable healthcare solutions.
What should healthcare interoperability look like?
The ideal scenario would see every healthcare facility interoperable. As such, it is important to understand the technical approach for implementing interoperability. VOLA’s Connected Health ecosystem has been created with this technical approach to interoperability in the forefront. As part of our process, it is also essential we ensure compliance with all the new rules and regulations (and ever evolving rules). This question should be further answered in the context of the future of healthcare. It should be able to integrate information from multiple sources, and it should be able to handle complex data from various systems. As a result, providers can streamline patient matching records and minimize the risk of errors. By integrating these systems, patients can receive more useful and accurate information, which frees up time for the important aspects of delivering the highest quality of healthcare.
Interoperability Puts the Power Back to the Patients:
Put power back in the hands of patients, but it also creates new challenges for the healthcare industry. Creating a more open and connected ecosystem is essential for a high-quality patient experience. Developing the necessary tools will help organizations improve data analysis and trends while maintaining privacy. In addition, interoperability will help providers identify and communicate with one another. In the long run, it will improve patient care.
Continual Systemic Evolution with Accompanying Synergies:
As health information technology evolves, interoperability must evolve with it. There are three levels of interoperability: foundational, semantic, and structural. Each level builds on the previous one, and the holy grail is a system that integrates at all three levels. Without comprehensive health records, providers will have trouble making informed decisions and managing multiple systems. Moreover, lack of interoperability will affect the population’s overall health. The future of healthcare interoperability requires a robust healthcare IT ecosystem that can exchange all kinds of data. This means that government service providers will be able to gather more information on how many patients are receiving services and what is the rate of utilization. This would allow life sciences organizations and healthcare providers to accelerate their research. And as these efforts advance, the public will benefit from them. A robust dataset will help researchers discover new treatments and improve care. Furthermore, increasing healthcare interoperability can improve the quality of care and help providers deliver competitive care. The goal of achieving a coordinated, seamless system of care is to provide better patient-centered care with fewer errors. This will also lower healthcare costs. In the end, it will make people healthier. The future of healthcare interoperability is now a reality. Today, 93 percent of hospitals provide online patient access to their medical records. But while there are some challenges to overcome, the advantages outweigh the problems.
It Could Get Messy:
The future of healthcare interoperability is far from a utopian state. The health care industry needs to connect separate information systems to create a more efficient and safer system. By 2020, ensuring the safety of patient records was a top priority for the industry. By using a platform such as VOLA, data from healthcare services will be available everywhere. This would allow them to be accessed across the country. In addition, information can be shared with patients and physicians in different settings. In addition to improving the quality of care, interoperability also makes healthcare more affordable. With the cost of treating chronic diseases in the US, it is vital that the healthcare industry can access and exchange patient information with ease. Using data from multiple sources can help ensure that the right medical records are always accessible for patients. This will also increase the speed of clinical research. By connecting multiple healthcare systems, data can be shared easily and accurately.
Who’s Paying?
While interoperability is a top priority for healthcare providers, it’s also crucial for healthcare payers. The absence of healthcare data interoperability results in significant revenue losses and clinician burnout. While the government has a key role in this, it is a major hindrance for improving health care. For example, ineffective health information can compromise the safety of patients. In addition, the government’s inability to create a performance standard for healthcare interoperability can hamper patient safety and ultimately raise costs and as well as inequities.
Leverage Current Legislation and Promote New:
The Cures Act final rule and the Office of the National Coordinator for Health Information Technology are important steps toward creating an interoperable healthcare system. These rules will help providers share patient information among each other. Further, the Cures Act will eliminate the barriers that are preventing interoperability between health systems. For example, the Cures Act final rule will make it possible for insurers to share patient information. This will increase the efficiency of public health interoperability.
In Conclusion:
By implementing these interoperability features, health organizations can stop treating individuals as a health plan member and start treating them as patients. They will also be able to better protect patient information by ensuring that the infrastructure is secure and the entities verify authorization. By providing access to these personal health records, healthcare decision-makers will be able to better understand their patients’ needs and ultimately improve their care.
Software solutions for a healthcare system are crucial components for successful management a clinic, lab, or pharmacy. Interoperability ensures secure transitions of care, which leads to better patient outcomes. As a healthcare provider if you want your practice to become more efficient and save money, a software platform tailored to your needs is the right solution. You can evaluate software solutions by conducting consultations with software vendors who offer a full range of innovative software solutions for healthcare systems, such as VOLA Connected Health. VOLA will provide you with information on how a software system will work in your practice and what you need to consider. A good vendor will be able to give you an in-depth consultation to answer these questions. When you take this step, you can be confident that your practice will be well-organized, save money, and become more user-friendly.
VOLA’s Healthcare application developers have created numerous applications that will be beneficial to the healthcare industry. These innovative developments have created products and solutions that will provide hospitals and doctors with real-time data on patient conditions. With these tools, healthcare professionals will be able to deliver the best care possible to patients. The healthcare connected technologies are designed to improve the healthcare experience for both patients and medical professionals. The next generation of medical devices and solutions will be designed with the latest in technology and security standards.
Interested in a demo to see our platform can be optimized for your organization? Schedule a demo with the VOLA team today! Contact Us.
About VOLA
Our mission is to support the rapidly growing digital transformation of the healthcare industry. We do this by equipping medical offices and telehealth providers with customizable and affordable technology. One of our key differentiators is our ability to connect laboratory tests into the workflow of telehealth services. Additionally, we have a dedicated SaaS product line to support laboratories and laboratory marketing organizations.